The Dark Side of Working from Home

Say hello to loneliness and boredom

Jose Granja
3 min readApr 1, 2023
Photo by Redd F on Unsplash

Are you tired of waking up early, dressing up for work, and commuting to the office every day? If so, remote working might seem like the perfect solution. But before you ditch your traditional office space for the comfort of your own home, it’s important to consider the downsides.

Luckily, many companies today prefer onsite working, which means you might not have to worry about the downsides of remote working. But just in case you’re considering making the switch, here are some of the worst things about remote working that you may not have considered.

Work-Related Negatives

No More Commuting Stress

One of the most obvious benefits of remote working is the elimination of the daily commute. However, the lack of a commute can also have some downsides. You’ll no longer have to endure the stress and excitement of commuting to work. Instead, you’ll be stuck in your own home, with no escape from the monotony of your surroundings.

Less Office Politics

Working from home means you’ll no longer be able to participate in office politics, gossip around the water cooler, or sneak away for private chats with your coworkers. You’ll be left with…



Jose Granja

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